Friday, April 27, 2012

The Wonder Of It All

One of the things I always pray is for my eyes to be open to the wonder all around me. Like a child who sees a miracle in everything, whether it be a bug on the ground or a rainbow in the sky, everything is cause for excitement. What a way to live! Unfortunately, in this fast-paced world, wonders can zip by me so fast that I don't even know it.

Yesterday, I was walking into a building when a friend of mine said, "Jennifer, I want to show you what you missed." She took out her cell phone and showed me a picture of a mama duck with a train of baby ducklings following behind her. I didn't see that precious line-up because I was in tunnel-vision mode. I was so thankful God motivated her to approach me and show me that picture. He is a personal God and was reminding me of my frequent prayer request. If I so easily missed the duck parade, what else have I let pass me by?

I want to show you what you missed, has been going through my mind since my friend spoke those words. It got me thinking about past marathons I have run. Beautiful scenery, nice neighborhoods, crowds yelling encouragement, people all around... and what do I see? The pavement. If I am hurting, the only thing I focus on is the pain - and miss out on the wonder all around me. Fortunately, I got it right during the last 1/2 marathon I participated in. When I started to hurt, I looked up and started praying for the people around me who seemed to be struggling. As I took the focus off myself and prayed for others, I forgot about my pain. I was able to view the scenery around me, thank the volunteers, high-five the kids who were cheering on the sidelines... I was now a part of the wonder of it all and not blinded by my problems. I wish I could get it right every time! I wish I wouldn't need so many reminders to "look up" but I do. I am thankful that my friends timely reminder caused me to re-focus.

I pray that everyone reading this will agree to not let family, friends, opportunities, adventures, or miracles pass by unnoticed and unappreciated.

Lord, let us be enthralled by the beauty and wonder the gift of each day You give to us brings. It truly is a present from you. May our lives show our appreciation and let our hearts not focus on lesser things that try and steal our joy. May we be like little kids who are amazed by the wonder of it all! Amen

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9