Saturday, February 6, 2010

Your Sphere of Influence

I read an article a while back about how the Good Samaritans Law came to be. A woman in New York City was attacked and pursued for miles by a man who was trying to kill her and ultimately did. The most disturbing part of this story was that 39 people witnessed it. 39 people!! When asked why they didn't respond to her cries for help, call the police, or do anything for that matter, was because there were 38 other witnesses.

Everyone thought that someone else would do something, effectively paralyzing themselves into watching a woman get pulled to her death. As horrible as that is, we as Christians, do the same thing everyday. We assume that we don't have to share the way of salvation to our neighbor, our coworker, fill in the blank... because someone else will.

Dear Lord,
Help us to err on the side of caution and assume that everyone you put in our path is our responsibility. What an awesome privilege. Help us to be Your mouthpiece, Your hands and feet.

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